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Struggling figuring out how to build your perfect wardrobe? You’re in the right place!

Building a great wardrobe from scratch (or refining the one you already have) is no joke! Here you can discover five great tips and steps about how to build your perfect wardrobe with no stress!

Whether you are new to it or just looking for inspirations to refine your wardrobe, the key is the same: you need a strategy. A step-by-step guide that can help you through the whole process. No matter if you’re dreaming a minimalist capsule wardrobe or just need some ideas to define a personal style, the principles you’ll find here can be adaptable to any purspose. So, keep reading to discover how to build your perfect wardrobe in 5 easy steps!


Decluttering and reorganizing

First thing first you need to declutter your wardrobe. Take everything off and make a Keep, a Maybe, and a Sell/Donate/Throw out pile. This is a huge work -I know-  but it’s totally worth it, I promise! Don’t know where to start? Here’s a useful scheme:

Keep: only items that actuyally fit and that you actually wear (and have worn in the last seasons).

Maybe: those goal-items (we all have that pair of jeans we hope to fit in one day again) and less worn clothes. Then give yourself one season to see if you’ve been able to wear them. If not, give them away with no regrets.

Sell/Donate/Throw out: the ones you haven’t worn for a whole season, don’t fit anymore, or are in a poor, beyond reasonable hope to repair shape. Sell the ones that are still new or that you paid the most, donate the others and throw out the damaged ones.

Now time to reorganize the space! Read this complete guide to organize your wardrobe in one day with no stress!

Define (or refine) your style

This is the tricky part even if it looks easy: defining our personal style can be hard since it’s something that often keeps changing with age. So, we have to focus on which is our lifestyle now (job, situations, events, free time, and so on), try to visualize an idea of ourselves and the adjectives that can describe us and finally understand which clothes reflect this idea the most. Can you see yourself in those clothes on your average day? Do you feel comfortable and beautiful in them? Do you feel like yourself? You might need to answer these questions to find a style that fits you, or you might just need to know how to boost your style confidence, in any case focus on what makes you feel good and you won’t do wrong!

Quality over quantity

When I was younger I used to buy a lot of clothes at little price but they didn’t last more than one (maybe two?) season. With time, I switched from tons of fast fashion and low quality items to less, but high quality ones. And what about the $$$? High quality items are more expensive, it is true, but they are made with better materials, are more detailed and will last way longer (even a lifetime, if you care of them!). While choosing a new item pay special attention to the fit, the fabric, the colour and the cut. One perfect sweater is better than five imperfect ones! See it as a long term investment: you are spending more today to spend less tomorrow. This is life changing since, after the initial investment, you won’t need to buy new items every new season and this will let you save money or spend it on extra treats. Plus, don’t forget about sales and promotions: you can find great items at smaller prices during seasonal sales!

Style over fashion

Another winning change of perspective is choosing style over fashion. Fashion lasts a season, style is forever, right? So, follow new trends only if they suit your style and not the opposite: don’t change your style for new trends. While building a perfect wardrobe you should, first of all, focus on basics and functional pieces that you wear the most of time (at work, at home, in your free time) and that will become your signature look (like, for example, a coat, jeans, cotton shirts, cozy swetares, comfy shoes, seamless underwear or strapless bras, and so on). You can also choose basics depending on the season: Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter. Then add unique, statement pieces to wear at night outs, special events and occasions or just when you need to add an extra touch to the outfit. Not all clothes have to be basic or functional: some just have to make us feel great and these pieces are just as important as the first ones. Finally, add those seasonal trends that you actually would wear and, as I said, fit your style. So, in short, remember this: essentials first, statement second, seasonal third.


Last but not least, in order to build a great wardrobe you’ll definitely need to switch to a more conscious way to shop. If you agree with what we said until now, fast fashion can’t be the first option anymore. Try to support local and small businesses, use second hand shops (almost the 90% of my recent purchases come from Vinted or other second hand and vintage online shops), try the swap parties with friends (the’re not only a great way to swap clothes for free but also so much fun!) and so on. A more sustainable and conscious way to shop is possible and, in a perspective of building a great wardrobe it is the first option to choose.

Well, I hope you found this guide on how to build your perfect wardrobe in 5 easy steps useful and enjoyable. Remember to do this every 6-12 months (possibly while doing the closet season change) since, as we said, style is something that changes with age but once you have these steps to follow it comes way easier and definitely funnier!

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