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If you’re struggling finding one, discover how to build a great hair care routine that works for any hair type.

Having a healthy hair routine can be difficult if we don’t know where to start from. Discover easy tips that can work for any hair type to build a great hair care routine!

The first thing we have to say about hair is that it’s not “alive”. You didn’t expect it, right? Yes, the only alive part is the bulb – where living hair is formed – but the hair you see (strands) is made of dead cells. That’s it. This might be a bit destabilizing, I know, but once you get it, you also start to understand how to care of it properly, avoiding all those miracle products and treatments which simply can’t work because of hair structure and nature. For example, words like “Hydrate” or “Moisturize” can be used talking about hair, but keep in mind that dead cells won’t absorb the products and those will work only on the hair surface. This is why some treatments work only when applied onto the scalp. Anyway, even though your hair is made of cells that are no longer living, you can still take care of your strands to help your hair look its best. Let’s see together how to build a great hair care routine that works for any hair type.


“Hydrate” and “Moisturize”

Assumed that we can only work on hair surface (or on the scalp) let’s see the difference between hydration and moisturisation. Hydration means adding water to the hair to make it look shiny and healthy and to work on hair porosity (a very porous hair is more susceptible to breakage). Water based hair products (like aloe ones) have a light texture and you can add them to your hair routine to get shiny hair or for a better styling, like this DIY camelia hair mist. Opt for shampoos that hydrate the scalp without irritate the skin (like this one) and conditioners that can work on hair porosity (like this one). Moisturisation means adding fat substances like vegetal oils and butters to the hair to make it look smooth, soft and easy to style. You can use natural oils before the shampoo or onto dry hair for the styling, or opt for rich texture masks and conditioners once/twice a week. Look for products that contain natural ingredients like argan oil, shea butter, coconut oil or jojoba oil. You can also make a DIY coconut oil hair spray treatment at home!

Protect your hair from cold & hot

Just like your skin, your hair needs protection from the cold and the hot weather. During the cold seasons, when you’re out, wear a hat or a scarf to cover your hair and protect it from the cold winds that can dry your hair. You can also use a silk or satin scarf to wrap your hair before putting on your hat to prevent it from going frizz and static-y. The same care is required during hot seasons when you should wear hats under the sun to protect the scalp and your hair, or use UV protection just as you do for your skin. Generally, when you expose your hair too much to climatic factors be careful to take an extra care before, during and after just as you would do for the rest of your body.

Avoid over-washing your hair

Washing your hair too often can strip it of its natural oils, leaving it dry and brittle. This said, there is not a a single answer to how often people should shampoo, it’s personal since hair types are not all the same and you should find the washing routine which better fits your needs. For example, if you think you’re washing your hair too frequently you may try to wash your hair every other day, or even every three days if you can. In recent years, more and more products have become available to extend how long you can go between washes. For example, if you need to freshen up your hair without shampooing it, you can try a dry shampoo or powders (rice powder is great too!) to absorb excess oil.

Eat healthy

Eating a healthy diet is important all year round for our body and overall health, but hair talking it’s especially important in the winter months when your hair is prone to dryness and damage. Make sure you’re eating plenty of fruits, vegetables and lean protein to nourish your hair from the inside out. Foods like salmon, avocado, spinach, sweet potatoes, nuts and seeds are particularly good for promoting healthy hair since the vitamins and minerals they contain play an important role in the hair follicle growth cycle and in cellular turnover. So, what you eat can affects the health of your hair, just as for the rest of your body. A lack of the right nutrients, including vitamins A, C, D, and E, zinc, B vitamins, iron, biotin, protein, and essential fatty acids, may slow down hair growth or even cause hair loss. A healthy diet is what you need to maintain hair, body and mental health.

Use a humidifier

Central heating can cause the air in your home to become dry and dehydrating, which can leave your hair feeling dull and lifeless. To combat this, try using a humidifier in your home. A humidifier will add moisture to the air, which will help to keep your hair hydrated and healthy. Plus, having a humidifier will also help to treat skin and throat dryness and symptoms caused by the flu or common cold. Just remember to clean it regularly (at least once a week) to avoid respiratory problems. If you don’t have a humidifier, you could try placing a bowel of water near your heating vents to add moisture to the air (grandmas’ hack!).

Trim your hair regularly

To keep your hair looking healthy and vibrant, make sure you’re getting regular trims. Regular trims are important all year round, to get rid of split ends and breakage. Again, there is no a general answer to how often you should trim you hair, let’s say that about every 3 months can be a good routine. In this case, you don’t need to go for a major chop, just a couple of centimeters is enough to keep your hair in good condition.

Avoid heat tools (as much as you can)

Hot tools like hair straighteners, curling irons and hair dryers can damage your hair, especially in the winter months when your hair is already feeling dry and brittle. If you can, try to avoid using hot tools as much as you can, styling your hair maybe once a week or, if you must use them, make sure you’re using a heat protectant spray to minimise damage. You can see different types of heat protectants , from those for fine hair to heat protectants for natural hair , you just need to find the one that works better for you. You could also try using a diffuser on your hair dryer to minimise heat exposure. Heatless waves with plaits or heatless curlers are a fantastic alternative for a styled, polished look without the damage.

I hope you found helpful this guide about how to build a great hair care routine that works for any hair type! With little changes and cares we can get the hair of our dreams 🙂

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